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Date : 15-08-08 10:38
[NATIONAL] Forum Terpadu 2015 FKG Univ. Trisakti 5-6 September 2015
 Writer : grace (114.♡.132.111)
Hits : 20,439  

FORTE 2015
(Seminar, Hands-On & Dental Exhibition)

Biro I BEM FKG Univ. Trisakti membuka pendaftaran bagi drg serta mahasiswa/i FKG di seluruh Indonesia untuk mengikuti Forum Terpadu FKG USAKTI 2015 yang akan diselenggarakan :
Tempat : Mercure Hotel Jakarta Kota
Tanggal : 5 - 6 September 2015
Materi dan Pembicara :
1. drg. Mita Juliawati, MARS
“The Importance of Dentist - Patient Communication in Dental Practice”

2. drg. Muhammad Novo Perwira Lubis, Sp. RKG
"Teknik dan Interpretasi Radiografi pada Gigi Impaksi”

3. Dr. drg. Didi Nugroho Santosa, MSc
“How to Prevent Antibiotic Resistance in Clinical Dentistry”

4. drg. Octarina, MSi
"Ceramic Crown, is it the best choice ?"

5. drg. Aryadi Subrata, Sp. KG
“Glide Path : The Key of Root Canal Treatment”

6. drg. Hartono Pudjowibowo, MS, DURMF
“Odontectomy, is it Important ?”

7. drg. Luki Astuti, Sp. Perio
“Peran Probiotik dalam Menunjang Kesehatan Jaringan Periodontal"

8. drg. Nova Adrian, Sp. Pros & drg. Isya Hanin, Sp. Pros
"Case Selection and Consideration in Labial Veneer Restoration”

9. drg. Fajar Hamonangan Nasution, Sp.Ort, PhD
"Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Diagnosis Tool in Orthodontic Therapy”

10. drg. Elline, Sp. KG
"Update Technique in Using Resin Composite Restoration in Anterior and Posterior Teeth”

11. drg. Rosalina Tjandrawinata, MSi, PhD
"Perbandingan efektifitas kumur chlorhexidine dan chlorine dioxide untuk mengurangi bahaya dental aerosol"

Hands-On 1 :
“Preparation of the Root Canal System"
1. drg. Aryadi Subrata, Sp. KG 
2. drg. Dina Ratnasari, Sp. KG

Hands-On 2 :
"Get Your Aesthetic Smile in Just Single Visit with Direct Veneer  Restoration"
1. drg. Juanita A Gunawan, M. Kes, Sp. KG
2. drg. Elline, Sp.KG

Harga :
- student : Rp 425.000,-
- dentist : Rp 490.000,-
- Hands On Endo : Rp 500.000,-
- Hands On Veneer : Rp 600.000,-
* 10 FREE 1 (hanya untuk seminar, tdk berlaku untuk hands on)

Biaya sudah termasuk goodie bag, coffee break, buffet lunch, sertifikat SKP, free photobooth & undian doorprize.

Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi : 
Gracia Anfelia
No. HP : 081808183189
Line : gracianfelia
BBM : 7E657E78

Fifi Wijaya
No. HP : 081311193923 
Line : fiefiewijaya
BBM : 7588D93A

Janice Dharmago
No. HP : 085210858596
Line : janicedharmago
BBM : 764D46ED


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