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Date : 12-08-19 09:10
FORIL X 2012
 Writer : drgid (112.♡.20.124)
Hits : 16,610  
   http://www.foril-usakti.com/fokus2012 [6512]

Welcome Note from the Dean

Greetings to all dear colleagues,

The Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University once again holding the FOKUS (Hands On Courses Forum) at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, from October 11 until 13 -2012.

A joy and pride of an educational institution, to meet the needs of the community who desperately seek for dental care and oral cavity, educational institutions always carry out training to refresh their skills 
and to be able to provide services in accordance with the needs of the community.
Lifelong learning, not just a slogan but it should be the embodiment and executed well.
Through FOKUS is the answer to these needs. Hopefully, that what will be presented on October can really answer the needs in providing services to the community.

Good Luck to All the FOCUS-2012 participants
Success may be with you and us always….
Meeting you soon

Best regards,

Prof. DR. Melanie S. Djamil, drg., MBiomed
Email: dean-fokus@foril-usakti.com 

Welcome Note from the Chairman of FOKUS 2012

Science and technologies in dentistry field is increasing and showing their continually progress day by day, year by year, and this fact leads to new advanced and innovation. Continuing education for dental professionals are needed in community services in the field of dentistry today.

From the various scientific activities FKG USAKTI had organized, such as Foril X 2011, appears the big interest of dentists and practitioners in the field of medical and dental health services to enhance the knowledge and skills through a variety of short skills courses.

Based on that reason, and also efforts to improve the ability of the comprehensive practice for dental practitioner in the era of globalization, the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Trisakti again held FOKUS 2012, which will be filled with a variety of scientific activities, skills courses, and will be holding a reunion and gathering dentist with all colleagues in various parts of Indonesia, especially alumni of FKG USAKTI.

We invite dentists, specialists, dental health practitioners, lecturer and every person who are engaged in dental health, from within and outside the country to participate in FOKUS 2012 event.

We wait for your presence. See you in FOKUS 2012 !

Best regards,


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